
Pricing and Subscription Plans

The EHAWK service is ideal for high volume web sites that would like to vet signups and leads. We offer monthly and annual plans to match new registrations or lead API usage. For detailed pricing quotes, please email sales@ehawk.net with your expected usage, and we can discuss pricing options.

Subscription Plans include:

Online Portal with Reporting and Analytics
Frequency and Velocity Testing with Activity Report
Campaign and Lead Source Performance Tracking
Community scoring from our unique sharing fraudster system
Custom scoring, managing API keys, and API Settings
Tags, Alerts, and Reports
Support and best practices training

Our standard subscription plans include hundreds of tests in areas such as IP, email, location, domain, activity, uniqueness, geolocation, device, tags, community and more. We also offer add-ons options for testing phone type (cell, landline, nonfixed VOIP, prepaid) and connected/disconnected.
